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Surviving Earth: Makayla's Journey Continued Page 8

  “What, no, no, we're going with you." Clara orders, not leaving me any room to argue.

  "What about everyone else? Please, just stay here and watch everyone's back." I urge.

  "Fine, but my gun will be trained on your back so if you get in any trouble, I'll come shooting."

  "You do that, bestie." I pat her shoulder.

  "Mak, remember you still can't run because of your stomach." Gage reminds me.

  "I know, I'll find somewhere to hide if it gets too bad, I promise."

  I walk with my back wedged against the crumbling buildings, steadily getting closer and closer to the truck. I run across the street to the building the old black truck sits in front of leaves me open, but it has to be done. When I reach the back of the store, I notice the back door is halfway torn from its hinges. Whoever is inside is either dumb or thinks they are safe because no one is watching the door that I can see.

  "Yo, Al, are you wake back there, we need to get back on the road and meet up with Meli and her gang afor they come lookin us."

  "Yea, yea, I'm awake, hell can't a guy get five winks, I'm dead tired,” Al says.

  "You've been sleepin’ for the past hour, it's time to get movin’,” A deep voice orders.

  "Damn, Kentucky. I need some rest. We been a’guarding this town and towns like it for a year now. I'm sick of all the moving around." Al whines.

  "You'll get some rest when it's safe,” Kentucky says.

  I stop mid-stride and flatten myself against the back wall when I hear footsteps from within.

  I pull my katana from its sheath when I hear them moving inside. I inhale and exhale, readying myself for a fight. Even though these men talk about guarding towns, I am not going to trust them or anyone for that matter. Glancing around the door, I see a tall broad-chested man relieving himself at the corner of the building. He is wearing army fatigues and a huge-ass machine gun is strapped to his back.

  "Yo, boss, I'm ready whenever you are."

  The Big guy turns around and says, "Okay load ‘em up. Let’s get the hell out of this town."

  There is no way I can compete against a machine gun, but we need that truck to get us home. Sliding the katana home, I pull my shotgun from the strap at my back and walk out from my hiding place.

  Chapter Seventeen

  "Hold up gentlemen, you will not be going anywhere in my truck!" I aim the shotgun at the big one’s chest.

  "Well, what do we have here?" the boss asks.

  "I dunno, Boss. She's the first woman we've seen in a few months besides Meli." The one I guessed to be Al licks his lips.

  "One step in my direction and I'll blow a hole the size of a baseball in both of you." I direct them outside with the tip of the gun. "Clara, Gage, get over here!" I yell.

  They come running with their guns out and ready to use.

  "Hello, and who might you two fellows be?" Clara asks.

  "Al and I were with the army until all of this shit happened three years ago. Now we go out and help allocate troops for each division. It's not the same as it once was with all the damn zombies, but we try to help where we can,” the tall one replies, cutting his eyes to Al.

  "Hmm, and are we just supposed to believe you?" I ask, lifting my brow.

  "Ma'am you ain't gotta believe shit, but if you don't let us go, our commander, Meli, will come looking for us and she's hell on wheels,” Al says..

  Gage snickers. “You haven't met hell on wheels until you've met our Makayla."

  "Who the hell is that, son?" the tall one asks.

  I stand as tall as my five foot five frame will allow, standing toe to toe with the man. "I'm Makayla!"

  "You are a spitfire, I'll give you that, but Meli is coming and there'll be hell to pay when she gets here."

  "You can go, but our truck stays here,” I tell them.

  "We found that beat up old thing sitting beside the road, on empty. We filled it up. Hell we need it. It'll be detrimental to our cause." Al waves his arms..

  "It is detrimental to our cause,” I say. “There're a few of us trying to get home. We planned on finding gas in the nearest town and as you see this is the nearest town."

  "Fine, keep the damn thing, but Al and I are leaving." The tall one turns to walk away.

  Following on their heels, we watch as they load up into an old army Jeep and drive away.

  "Let's go, they'll return with backup soon,” I say, jumping back in the driver’s seat. It feels just like coming home.

  "Where's the key, Mak?" Clara asks from the passenger seat.. We hurriedly search the truck and come up empty.

  "Fuck, they must have it." Clara hits the dash.

  "Calm down, don't you remember learning to hotwire a car?" I lean down and touch the two lead wires together. I smile when the truck roars to life.

  "That's something neither you nor your father taught me." She laughs as we drive away from the crumbling building and set out to find Cole and Levi, our mood much lighter with the truck back under us.

  We drive slowly through the town, searching for Cole and Levi. I chew on my bottom lip as concern for the two brothers quickly dashes any cheerful mood I had.

  Pulling into the bush on the side of the road, I conceal the truck from any onlookers. "We're going to have to look for them house by house, which means separating.” I sigh.

  “I'll take Clara, and a few of the others,” Gage says..

  “I'll go alone.” I grab my Glock

  “Let either Gage or myself go with you.” Clara says. “You're still healing.”

  “No, you two may need each other,” I reply.

  “Like always, you're willing to put your life in danger,” Clara says. “But you know whatever, you'll do as you want. So be careful and watch your back.”

  “I will. You watch out for Gage. And Gage...”

  “And I'll look after Clara.”

  The first house I come to is a tall four-story Victorian. I let out a sigh as I walk up the steps. “Damn, as massive as these homes are, we’ll be here forever.”

  The door hangs on its side almost as if it was torn from its hinges. As I slide the door open, I cringe when it makes a scraping noise along the porch. As I listen for any movement, I keep a vigilant watch on both the outside and what I can make out inside.

  I hear an old voice. “Salvatore, dear heart, someone is trying to come inside, will you go help them?”

  “Sure, Momma,” I hear a young voice reply. “I'm on it.”

  Moving as quietly and as fast as I can, I hide behind the door. A lumbering giant steps out of the house. He stands well over six feet, his shoulders are so wide they barely fit through the doorway. His face is covered with a red beard and his hair hangs past the collar of his shirt.

  “Oh, come on out from behind there. I smell you and you smell delicious.” He rips the door away from what remains of the frame.

  I lift my Glock and fire bullets into his head. After six, he falls on the porch, reddish brown blood pooling around his body.

  I have to keep going and I know I'll have to face at least one more freshie. Reloading dad’s Glock, I walk into the interior of the house expecting to be attacked immediately, but when nothing comes for me, I head out. I listen for telltale signs of movement.

  “Sal, Sal, where are you, son? I need to be moved.” I hear the old voice plead.

  Following her voice, I come upon a bathroom and the sight will live with me for the rest of my days. Bones lay scattered on the floor and the tub is full of reddish water, or what I hope is water, but it very well could be blood. The old woman sits in the tub with a heart in one hand and with her other hand she cups the water and drinks it. Levi and Cole lay on the blood-riddled floor. Levi stares up at me with lifeless eyes. Regret and sadness so deep grips at my heart and nearly sends me to my knees.

  “Nooooo!” I scream.

  “Oh hello. Did you come to visit me like these boys did?” the old woman asks.

  “No, I came to kill you!” I yell, as I slip my
katana from its sheath.

  The old woman’s head falling into the blood filled tub is the only indication that she is now dead. I rush to Cole and Levi’s side. I'm afraid Levi will come back as a freshie, so with a heavy heart, I slice his head from his shoulder. Tears fall steadily down my cheeks onto the bloody floor. “I'm so sorry, so, so, sorry. Oh my God!” I scream, angry at the world.

  “Mak, Mak, is that you?” Cole asks from under Levi.

  “Cole, oh my God, you're alive.” I rush to lift Levi off his body.

  “Yeah, they knocked me out. What's wrong with Levi?” he asks softly.

  “Cole, I'm so very sorry,” I stutter.

  “No, Makayla, no it can't be true. Levi, wake up, please wake up.”

  When Cole finally stands, he sees what I've done to Levi. “Why would you? When your blood may hold the cure, why would you murder my brother?” Anger seeps from his body.

  “I didn't murder your brother. I only kept him from coming back as one of those things,” I say, gesturing to the tub.

  Cole’s hands fist at his side, a fury burns from within his eyes, “Get out of my sight Makayla, before I do something I may end up regretting one day.”

  As I walk out of the bathroom, my heart hurts for, not only having to keep Levi from turning, but for what I saw in Cole’s eyes. Disgust, pain, and anger so deep it is controlling his every action. I know without a further doubt I’ve lost a good friend. A friend I once upon a time could rely on for anything now hates me.

  When I hear noises coming from the front of the house, I walk outside to be greeted by Gage, Clara, and the rest of our group. Sighing I walk down the steps. Tears fill my eyes, but I dash them away before anyone can see my moment of weakness.

  “We checked this line and we are about to go over to the next street,” Gage says.

  “You don't have to look any further,” I reply, holding my head down.

  Clara gasps.

  Gage whimpers.

  The rest of the group cries softly.

  “Both?” Clara questions.

  “No, Cole still lives.”

  Clara runs past me. Without turning to look back, I continue to the truck. The survivors follow close behind me. Clara and Gage stay back.

  Once I reach the truck, I fire it up, ready to get this journey home over. The few remaining prison survivors file into the back.

  Dee gets in the front with me. “Whatever happened, Mak, I'm sure it wasn't your fault.”

  “No, but could I have saved him?”

  We both remain quiet after that. Driving up to the old Victorian, I await Clara and Gage's decision. Will they come with me or stay by Cole’s side? I watch as Gage pats Cole on the back then walks slowly down the steps. His eyes catch mine and I know he'll never leave my side because we've been through too much together.

  My best friend races down the steps, climbs in the truck, and pulls me into a tight hug. “I love you forever, bestie, but Cole needs me right now, please don't be mad at me. Just understand the way you have my whole life.”

  I wipe angrily at the tears that fall rapidly down my cheeks. “How can I watch over you if you leave me?”

  “You can't, but I'm a big girl, trust that I can look after myself. You taught me how to survive, trust in that at the very least. I love you, Mak. I'll see you again soon.”

  “Oh Clare-bear, I love you. Please, be safe.”

  “I will, trust me.” She smiles.

  “Gage, get them some of the ammo, guns, and food that's in the back.”

  He hops down from the passenger seat and tries to give them the supplies, but Cole refuses them and Clara takes only what she can carry.

  “This isn't the end of our story bestie, I'll find you no matter where you are,” I say. Clara wipes the tears that steadily drop from her eyes with the back of her arm, draws me in for another hug, and then she turns to leave.

  “I'll find you again Clare-Bear, I promise,” I yell out the window as I drive by. “I love you Makayla Ann, look after yourself and Gage.” I hear her shout as we turn the corner leaving her and Cole behind us. I clutch the steering wheel tighter between my hands, I fight to keep the unshed tears from falling.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The ride heading home is a sad one. We not only lost Levi, but Cole and Clara. Each of us remains as quiet as a mouse, each lost in our own thoughts. At one point when night starts to fall on the second or third day, I’m not quite sure which, Gage makes me pull over so he can drive.

  “We’re not far now, Makayla,” he whispers excitedly.

  “Yep, we’re close to home.” The excitement doesn't quite reach my heart, even though I’m ready to see Tessa and Blu.

  The road home is much the same, dry fields on both sides, the road cracked and breaking in places, but it looks good to these sad, tired eyes. I catch sight of the safe house, which is now surrounded by a fence with a large metal gate. I look at Gage and hope all is well inside.

  “They're okay,” he says.

  We turn into the drive and stop in front of the gate. Gage and I step down out of the truck at the same time, and face the large gate. In the distance, I hear laughter, a noise I haven't heard in what feels like ages. Then I hear someone humming a song I've heard many times. It's a lullaby.

  “Looks like they've become complacent behind their fence,” I say “I think it's time to surprise them. “Whatcha think, Gage?” I pat him on the back.

  “Heck, yeah, let's wake ‘em up.” He laughs.

  “Come on, let me lift you over.” Joining my hands together, I hoist him over the top. As soon as Gage clears the top of the gate, the laughing stops and so does the singing. A loud ringing alerts everyone to movement at the gate.

  “Blu, oh my God! Blu, it's Gage!” I hear Lainey yell. I watch as Gage disappears over the top of the gate. Then I hear running and whooping as Blu, Lainey and Tessa reach the gate.

  “Oh, my God, bro, how are you, where is everyone?” Blu asks.

  “Open the damn gate, I'm over here!” I laugh.

  The gate releases and starts to open slowly.

  Tessa is the first through, jumping into my arms and holding on with all her might. “I missed you, Mak,” she whispers.

  One of my arms is wrapped around her tightly while the other hand runs through her hair. Oh, thank God, I'm home. “I missed you too, Tessa.”

  I release her and she jumps into Gage's arms and gives him a huge hug.

  “It's so good to see you two, where's Clara?” Blu asks, drawing me into a welcome home hug.

  “Clara, uh.” I start, but tears choke me up as I think about her being anywhere else, but with me.

  “Oh no, I'm so sorry, Mak. How did it happen?” Lainey asks, rubbing me on the back.

  Luckily, Gage answers for me. “No, no, Clara is alive and well. She decided to leave us and help Cole when Levi died.”

  Blu and Lainey share a confused look..

  “We met Cole and Levi at a forced prison.” I pause before continuing the story. “A group of people were taking cars and all that they had within them and putting the people in a fenced-in, make-shift prison.” I stare off into the distance.

  “Why?” Lainey starts to ask, but Blu stops her by laying a hand on her arm.

  After our reunion, Gage and I go back and pull the truck through the gate, introducing Lainey and Blu to the remaining prison survivors.

  As we all settle in, I talk about the time we've been away. I tell them about Logan, and how freshies are now talking and acting intelligent. I gradually bring up Dr. Cilley.

  “She's still in a cage out back in the lab,” Blu says, brushing hair from his eyes. “I've tried converting her into a decent human being, but it's useless. She's too far gone.”

  After dinner and our talk, I find myself too exhausted to move far, so I collapse on the couch. The cure can wait one more day.

  I awake with Clara on my mind. I hope that she is okay. I know she and Cole are capable of looking after themselves, but it
doesn’t stop me from worrying or from wanting her home safe.

  Tessa is laying on the floor beside me, her arms under her head and a soft blanket covering her growing body. Survivor lies against her side. Ricky sits in a rocking chair, his eyes remain on me and every once in a while switch to Tessa’s sleeping form.

  “Morning, Ricky.”

  “Good morning, Makayla,” he says softly. His eyes sparkle with merriment. A huge smile covers his little face as Survivor bounds to his side. When we left he was a cute five-year-old. He's grown. His chubby little cheeks have slimmed down and he is a few inches taller.

  “You know I never got a hug from you yesterday.” I smile.

  “I'll make up for it today.” He laughs. Standing, he walks across the room to the couch, waking Tessa and falling into my arms. I hug him tightly, only releasing him when Tessa pokes my shoulder.

  “Morning, Mak.”

  “Morning, sweet pea.” I lean over enfolding her in a hug and kiss the top of her head. She giggles and runs off when I tickle her sides. She yells as she runs. “You cheat, Mak.”

  Laughing I stand and think. Okay, it's time to see the mad Doctor Cilley.

  As I open the door to the lab, I notice the smell of antiseptic and then I notice all the zombies and freshies are gone from their cages. The place is amazingly clean.

  The good doctor stands as I walk into the building. Her hands grip the bars of her cell. “You're back. I thought you'd be dead, by now.”

  “I'm hard to kill.”

  Dr. Cilley sneers, then jerks away from the bars of her cage.

  “Cilley, I need you to test something that I hope will be the cure for the zombie virus.”

  “Why would I want to cure zombies? I want to use them as weapons, not cure them.” She laughs evilly.

  Sighing, I sit in a chair outside her cage. “You either test it or I swear you’ll die in the worst way I can possibly imagine, got it?”

  She sinks to the cot in her cell. Anger flashes in her eyes briefly. “I prefer death.”

  “Fine, if that's the way you want it.” I stand from the chair and walk out the door. I never turn back to watch her reaction. She's worn out her usefulness.