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Surviving Earth: Makayla's Journey Continued Page 2

  "Let me go with you, Mak." Gage utters from the backseat.

  "Ummm no! I need you here, so you and Clara can watch each other's back. We have no clue what's going on."

  "You're even more stubborn than Logan,” Clara says. “I say we all go out there this time, watching your back and each other's!"

  Scanning the surrounding area, I notice the smoke has increased, and the line of cars moves steadily forward on the right side of the road. "Someone is moving the cars. If something happens to the truck Gage will be on foot and I really don't want that happening, do you?" I ask, staring Clara straight in the eyes, knowing full well she can't argue with me now.

  She slams her hands on the steering wheel. "Damn, Makayla. Do whatever you want. Put your life in danger again. Gage and I will be fine without you!"

  “If I'm not back soon, you two turn around and go back to Lainey and Blu!” I demand, watching them both for an answer, but none is uttered. I know full well if I'm not back soon both will come after me.

  Closing the door softly, I walk away feeling Clara's eyes burn into my back. Ducking behind cars and trucks, I edge my way as close as I can to the front. Three large bulldozers move the vehicles around. One of the dozers crushes the cars under its weight while the other two shove cars into a field where survivors scramble through them looking for anything useable. Looking deeper into the field, I see tall fences with barb-wire wrapped around the top. Inside the fence, multiple people wander around aimlessly, dirty and half-starved. A few freshies lie dead near the fence. I'm sure the smell is overwhelming to the prisoners.

  I will never get over what becomes of people when the world falls apart. Some people decide to be evil and keep prisoners, leaving them to starve with no hope of getting out.

  Crouching against the side of a blue pickup, I slide my dad’s Glock from its holster. There is no way I can make it across the field to help those imprisoned. If I counted correctly, there are at least a dozen involved with this outfit. There could be more that I can't see, I’m not sure. My brain keeps thinking, go back, get in the truck with Clara and Gage and head another way, but my heart won't leave the ones suffering. "Fuck!" I curse under my breath as I move steadily forward.

  Chapter Three

  Once I run out of vehicles to take cover behind, I rush into the tall dry weeds hoping it will be enough to keep me from prying eyes. The crunch from under my feet makes me cringe. But I keep going with those poor people fresh in mind. Going as far as I can in the weeds, I'm within a couple hundred feet of the prison when I see two guards standing to the side of the prison, both of them talking and laughing. They would be easy to take out, but I could alert the others if I emerge from the weeds. Freshies moan to my right.

  "Looks like we have company, Jeff,” one of the guards says as he sees the freshies. Lifting their guns, they make quick work of the zombies. Head shots to each one. Their oozing bloody bodies fall within a couple feet of where I lay.

  Damn, I have to wait for those guards to go back to talking now. I notice their gazes check out the horizon, on the lookout for more freshies.

  "Shush up in there. The flipping deads can hear ya!" One of the guards yells out to the prisoners. Immediately, the area is dead silent. I will have to take out the guards from here and the shots may bring in more people, but I hope they will only think it is more zombies stumbling close to the prison. Standing from the dry weeds, I take aim at one guard, right at his head. I pull the trigger, and watch as the man stumbles and falls, blood splatters onto the fence. I release the trigger once again at the other guard and he falls on top of the other man. Blood pools around them both.

  Racing to the makeshift prison, I search the dead bodies for a key of some sort. Finding none, I take my katana from its sheath and slice cleanly through the chain. The people inside start to whimper and cry, and I know the noise will soon get back to the others, so I hush them the best I can. An extremely skinny tall man steps forward and jerks the chain from my fingers. Stunned, I let it go and he quickly wraps it back around the fence.

  "Go, leave us, there is no hope for us out there,” he says. “We may die here, but it won't be from one of those things and we'll die as ourselves not a freaking flesh eating lunatic!" He rejoins the others. The women and children cry out and reach through the gate.

  I’m too shocked to move. "But I want to help you!"

  "Help us how? Release us only to get eaten? I'd prefer staying here, but if anyone else wants to go with you, by all means, go." He waves his arms in the air.

  "Derek please, the children, we have to get out of here,” a thin redhead pleads.

  "Deane, go. I'm not sure what this young woman can do for you, but by all means go,” he says, frustration showing across his face.

  "I can get you some place safe, some place away from people like this!" I say.

  Laughing, the man turns away from me. “So a lone girl can look after twenty people? How in the hell do you think we can get out of here unseen?" he demands to know.

  I know the world is a scary place this man seems truly frightened, but I am offering him and the others a safe place and a way out. The man has his hands buried deep in his hair and I can see the confusion in his eyes. Glancing around, I notice the other people are still busy checking cars and crushing them. I clear my throat. "You can either come with me or stay here and rot. These people have no intention of feeding you and after this little operation of theirs is over, you'll be left for dead. So take your pick because I'm not standing around here any longer."

  After a second, I start to leave, but a hand on my elbow stops me.

  When I turn back around, I see an elderly lady, her glassy blue eyes pleading. “We're coming, please don't leave us."

  "Okay. Once we get into the dried weeds, everyone down. When we’re back on the road hide behind the cars and trucks until we reach my truck. No one make a sound." Everyone remains quiet as we move out.

  Once we reach the road I notice that the, dozers have moved and crushed quite a few cars since I'd left, I see Clara and Gage on the right side of the road. Their eyes are fixated on the crowd behind me. Turning slightly, I gesture for a few to run across the road as I watch their back. I see Gage step down from the truck, a shotgun held tightly in his arms as he helps me keep a lookout for movement. Hearing a scream behind, I turn to see a zombie sinking it's teeth into an older lady’s arm. Another crawls from under a transfer truck and bites her leg. Blood pours from her veins, the slowly crawling zombies reach out for more of their fresh bounty. Her blood pools around the zombies feasting on their meal. Moving everyone to the side, I get to her as two more zombies join the feast. Her intestines lay in the hands of a terrible looking zombie, its face has been chewed to the skull on one side. The rest of his skin oozed down his frame. He is the most decayed zombie I’ve seen to date. The sight of him fascinates me yet terrifies me as well.

  Sliding my katana from its sheath, I slice through the head of one turning its brains to mush. They slide out near my feet as brown pus-filled blood pools around him. The other zombie is an older female, her legs are chewed to the bone, both are walking skeletons. One eye dangles from the socket, as she crawls. My katana makes quick work of her. I’m not only saddened by what happens to people once they change, but by what finally becomes of them. Nothing but pus bags desperate for their next meal. The last zombie, still munching on the older lady, is bigger and seems to have recently turned from freshie to zombie. Its body is still mostly human. He greedily gulps down chunks of the lady and it sickens me. Pieces of her hang from his mouth as his hands reach back for more. Swinging my trusty katana through the air, I cut off his head halfway. Brains slide from the skull that sits beside the still eating zombie. Slicing again, I cut its neck severing the head from the body, ending its sad existence.

  After Clara, Gage, and I load everyone either inside the truck or in the back, we head out, away from the awful prison, leaving the lone man standing behind the wired fence. I know he will eventually
rot in that pen along with any other survivors those people catch.

  Several hours later, we pull over at an old Victorian home. It looks deserted and safe enough to pass the night. Now with eighteen others to be responsible for, we need to be ever vigilant.

  "Is it safe to stay here, we're not very far from those people that captured us?" a young girl asks.

  "We'll check it out, but it seems okay for a night.” I tell her. “Do any of you have experience with a gun?" I glance at each new member of the group.

  Two very thin men step forward. "We were cops before this happened to the world,” one of the guys with blonde hair and blue eyes says. “Before mankind decided to turn on each other. We'll be happy to help in any way we can."

  Reaching in the back of the truck, I open a sealed container that holds our weapons. Drawing out two snub-nosed revolvers, I hand one to each man, hoping I won’t regret my decision. "There are only a few people in this new world that I trust,” I say “I hope you won't make me regret this. You two watch from the outside as we check out the interior for dangers." They nod and follow me toward the front door. “I'm Makayla, Mak to my close friends and that's Clara and Gage. What’s your names, so I don't have to keep saying the two cops.” I laugh. “I'm Cole the cute one and that's my brother, Levi the ugly one.” He laughs slightly after the introduction.

  I slide my dad's Glock from the holster at my hip, and open the unlocked door of the house. Clara’s on my heels as we enter the place. Cobwebs drape the furniture from within, making the old house that much creepier. I slip my katana from its sheath, long enough to make a pathway through the spider webs. At least I know no zombies have been in here for a while.

  After a quick walk-through of the house, we discover it's clear of survivors and zombies alike. The basement is a treasure trove of canned fruits and vegetables. They line the shelves. Clara, Gage and I know the survivors we rescued will appreciate the food, so we carry several jars upstairs.

  "It's safe,” I say “Everyone can come inside."

  Once everyone is inside and settles on what furniture there is or spread out across the floor, Clara makes her way around the room handing jars to every two people.

  "I'm going to pull the truck around back before the sun goes down,” I say before walking to the door.

  The two cops jump up from their seat by the door. "We'll guard your back." They say in unison.

  "Okay, let's go." I slide sideways out the door with my guards on my heels.

  Driving the truck to the back of the house, I park as close to the door as possible, and whistle to alert the two men that it’s safe to return to the house. Slipping the backdoor open, I notice most of the rescued survivors are camped out across the floor, several already having succumbed to slumber. The sun cast its last rays across the horizon as I block the back door with the kitchen table. I glance around the room, I see Clara and Gage off to the side discussing something quietly.

  "I guess I'll take first watch." I say.

  "We'll help, of course." Cole and Levi are quick to add.

  "Maybe it would be best if you gentlemen take the next watch,” I tell them and start my perimeter check of the house.

  Chapter Four

  Clara and Gage insist upon taking watch with me. Snores and whimpers resound into the night as we keep watch. Sitting beside the door, I catch Clara thumbing through a photo album. "What ya got there, Claire-bear?" I slide closer to her side.

  Looking up, her cheeks redden as if she's guilty and glances away from me. "Ummm, I guess it was the people that owned this house. I saw the photo album and wanted a glimpse into their lives." She sighs.

  "It's okay, Clara. I miss that time, too.” I pat her back. Stand and check the area again.

  A couple hours later, I wake the two police officers to take over watch. "If you need me at all during the night, wake me immediately.” They nod and I lie down next to Gage and Clara. I find it impossible to fall asleep as my mind races with thoughts of Blu and Tessa. I hope with my whole heart they are doing well. I know Blu will watch over Tessa, Lainey and Ricky without fail. The house they are in is the safest place possible. My mind quickly switches to Logan. My brain knows I've lost him, but my heart doesn’t want to give up. I’m not ready to give up on him, even though I know it is pointless to keep hoping.

  I hear the slam of a door and louder crying. “Makayla,” Cole shouts shaking my leg.

  Jumping up, I look around to see the front door wide open and I catch a streak of blonde hair as it flies through the yard. "What the hell is going on?" I ask, angrily.

  “I'm not sure ma'am I just woke up and started for the door,” he says.

  I run for the door and grab my Glock from the sheath at my hip.. "You're going to get eaten, if you don't come back,” I yell from the porch. My body freezes once I hear moans coming from all around the house.. The woman still runs into the night, screaming louder the further she runs away from the house. She's lost her damn mind.

  Running out into the yard, I watch as zombies walk from the fields and woods that surround the old house. I raise my gun and fire at the ones closest to me. The woman has disappeared from view. I’m not stupid enough to follow her into complete darkness, but I feel bad because I know those screams will soon be the screams of a woman in pain. I turn back to the old house, I see Clara as she stands in the doorway. Disappointment crosses her face, but I'm not sure if it's for me or the lady that ran off.

  "Mak, behind you!" she screams, drawing her pistol. I turn around swiftly, I see two freshies almost on me. I lift my gun and aim between one’s eyes, my gun clicks but doesn't fire. It’s jammed. I bolt for the house, as Clara swings her arms telling me to hurry, but I'm yanked off my feet by a freshie pulling my ponytail. I fall flat on my back, the air swooshes from my lungs. I could be in major trouble here. Several more zombies join the freshie as he leans down to take his first bite of my flesh. Fighting back, I hit him in the throat, momentarily distracting him from biting me. Gunshots ring out all around me and I watch as zombies fall while the tall freshie still reaches with his mouth trying to take a chunk from my arm. I jam two of my fingers into his eyes, and pull both eyes from their sockets, pus oozes from the empty sockets. His teeth still chomp beside me. I hear a shot then feel the heavy weight of the freshie as it falls across my body.

  "Oh my God, Makayla! Are you okay?" Clara asks urgently, racing to my side.

  "Yeah, I'm fine just get him the hell off me,” I croak as the air leaves my body.

  Cole and Levi rush to my side lifting the zombie's dead weight off me.

  "Thank you, guys for the help.”

  "No, thank you for rescuing us back at the prison, we would have all died in there without your aid we’re only too happy to return the favor in a small way,” Cole says. We thought the ones we ran into were friendly, but they only wanted our food, weapons and water." He frowns.

  I slap him on the shoulder. “No problem." I hope it eases the rising tension from the woman running out into the night.

  Utter chaos commences, within seconds of us walking back inside. The daughter of the lady who ran outside is battling against two survivors, with tears streaming down her face. She is no more than sixteen or seventeen. "Please let me go. I must go after my momma, please,” she begs repeatedly and collapses into a ball on the floor, her sobs the only noise in the old Victorian.

  I grab Clara, Gage, Cole, and Levi, to the side. “We’re going to need extra security on the doors for the rest of the night. I'm afraid she'll run out and leave the door open, Inviting zombies in for a free meal."

  “Agreed." They all say in unison.

  "Gage and I will take the two back doors.” I say. “Cole, you and Levi take the front. Clara sit with the girl and try to soothe her."

  Everyone nods and moves in their assigned direction. Clara sits beside the girl, placing an arm around her shoulders while she finally cries herself out and within moments is sound asleep.

  I watch as Clara rises from
the girls side on the floor and turns to start a perimeter check of the downstairs. Her footsteps echo down the hallway. The eerie creek of the old Victorian house constantly alerts me. A scratch and a boom have me running to the window in the large living room. The woman who ran earlier, stands at the window, but she is no longer human. She is a brand new freshie. Half of her right arm is chewed to the bone, and her left jaw hangs as if in perpetual motion. Her one good arm beats at the window.

  "Let me in, I not gonna hurt anyone,” she demands the best her jaw will allow, an evil light shining from her dead eyes. Shock radiates through my body. “What the hell is going on? They can't be getting this smart.”

  "Cover the girl,” I shout, waking everyone. “Do not open the doors or windows for any reason.”

  "What's going on, Mak?" Clara asks, when she reaches my side.

  I lift the edge of the curtain to show Clara the woman.

  "Ye, let in,” she says, her voice more garbled than before.

  "Oh my God, Mak. What the hell is this?" Clara’s eyes flash with shock.

  "I'm not sure, but it can't be good." I run a hand over the sheath at my side, I will be using my katana soon. “She'll have to be dealt with before her daughter sees her.”

  I trudge to the door and turn back to Clara, "You know what to do if anything happens to me?"

  "Yes, Gage and I are to return to the safe house,” she says, snidely.

  Nodding my head, I turn the nob and walk out into the night. My katana slides effortlessly into my hand as I ready for a battle that I knew would soon occur.

  "Thank yu for helpng me,” the woman says when she sees me.

  "I'm not here to help you, well, other than send you to hell!" I declare. She tilts her head side to side, the freshie stares then lifts her nose to scent the air around her. "Yu smell so good, nevr knew peple smell lik this,” she says, her eyes flaming copper as she moves in to get a taste of something new.